1,826 Results for:

September 13, 2011

Defense and Security
GOP Presidential Debate: Perry Chooses on Afghanistan

Republican presidential hopefuls take the stage before the Tea Party Republican presidential candidates debate in Tampa, FL (Scott Audette/courtesy Reuters) Last night’s GOP presidential debate went…

Republican presidential hopefuls take the stage before the Tea Party Republican presidential candidates debate in Tampa, FL (Scott Audette/courtesy Reuters)

May 4, 2009

United States
Senate Should Move Quickly to Join Convention on Law of the Sea, Urges New CFR Report

An upswing in piracy attacks off the coast of Somalia, the rise of new naval powers such as China and India, and a rapidly melting polar ice cap that is opening the Arctic to international shipping a…

January 23, 2017

The Continued Importance of the U.S.-China Cyber Dialogue

During the second week of January, I was in Beijing for the tenth round of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) and China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR…

March 22, 2017

U.S. Should Increase Its Strategic Commitment to the Arctic, Says CFR Task Force

“The United States, through Alaska, is a significant Arctic nation with strategic, economic, and scientific interests,” asserts a new Council on Foreign Relations-sponsored (CFR) Independent Task For…

March 6, 2017

Malaysia’s Front Office Role in Enabling North Korean WMD Procurement

North Korea continues to evade UN sanctions designed to prevent its weapons of mass destruction (WMD) development by embedding its agents and intermediaries within the international trading system, a…