5,202 Results for:

February 21, 2019

North Korea
The Future of U.S.-North Korea Relations

At the end of this month, President Trump will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un for the second time during his presidency. In advance of the summit, panelists discuss what to expect from thi…

Play The Future of U.S.-North Korea Relations

November 16, 2023

United States
Antisemitism and Anti-Muslim Hate are Surging. Here's How to Curb the Worst American Tradition.

As violence escalates in Israel’s struggle with Hamas, the potential for hate-based violence in the United States grows, too. American leaders need to step in to defuse tensions.


January 4, 2018

South Korea
Domestic Dimensions of South Korea’s Foreign Policy

This post is co-authored by Sungtae "Jacky" Park, research associate for Korea Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.  Despite becoming influential on the world scene, South Korea remains a …

Domestic Dimensions of South Korea’s Foreign Policy

October 13, 2015

South Korea
A Pivotal U.S.-Korea Summit?

South Korean President Park Geun-hye and U.S. President Barack Obama should redouble efforts to counter North Korean security threats and reinforce economic ties at their summit, writes CFR’s Scott S…

August 17, 2023

South Korea
The Trilateral Summit at Camp David: Institutionalizing U.S.-Japan-South Korea Coordination

The U.S.-Japan-South Korea summit at Camp David reflects trilateral institutionalization. However, the real threat to effective trilateralism lies in the domestic political environments of the three …

U.S. President Joe Biden, Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and South Korea’s President Yoon Suk Yeol on the day of trilateral engagement during the G7 Summit in Hiroshima, Japan, on May 21, 2023.

October 9, 2023

Thailand’s Spiraling Gun Violence and the Need for Solutions

Thailand is awash in guns due to lax legal enforcement, causing it to have one of the highest rates of gun violence in Southeast Asia.

Red emergency lights flash outside a mall as response workers cordon off the area with orange cones following a mass shooting.

July 13, 2023

Climate Change
The President’s Inbox Recap: What Climate Change Means for the Bay of Bengal

Rising sea levels and hotter temperatures threaten the Bay of Bengal.

Trees as seen blowing in the strong winds from a cyclone.