205 Results for:

December 14, 2006

Defense and Security
Iraq’s Other Embeds: Advisers

Whatever emerges from the current review of U.S. Iraq policy, embedding more U.S. military advisers with Iraqi forces will be a vital component. But can this training effort help secure Iraq?

March 19, 2010

Elections and Voting
Nigeria in Turmoil

Watch experts report on Nigeria's presidential crisis, sectarian conflict, and security dilemmas in the oil-rich Niger Delta.


December 15, 2006

Wars and Conflict
Resetting U.S. Policy in the Middle East

President Bush’s review of U.S. Iraq policy may involve adjustments to broader U.S. strategy in the Mideast. Bush is hearing proposals ranging from a boost in combat forces to engaging Iran and Syria…

January 18, 2007

Wars and Conflict
Bush’s Baghdad Plan

President Bush’s new "surge" plan to clear and hold Baghdad’s neighborhoods faces a tough challenge from high levels of sectarian violence.

February 1, 2017

Iraq Reconsidered: Ten Years After the Surge

Experts discuss the successes and failures of the 2007 U.S. military surge in Iraq, its implications for U.S. strategy in the region over the past ten years, and lessons moving forward.