778 Results for:

February 4, 2016

Democratic Regression and the Rise of Islamic State-Linked Militants in Southeast Asia

Read Part 1 here.  Part 2 After Jakarta’s initial successes against militants such as those from Jemaah Islamiah, a new generation of Islamists began to emerge in Southeast Asia in the late 2000s a…

indonesia-terrorism-southeast asia

January 1, 1997

Fires Across the Water

The glittering economic success of the New Asia has a dark side of drug trafficking, illegal migration, labor abuses, and pollution. These so-called "transnational problems" are grabbing headlines an…

November 25, 2013

Defense and Security
U.S. Troops Required Post-2014 to Curb al-Qaeda’s Resurgence in Afghanistan, Recommends New CFR Report

RAND Corporation’s Seth G. Jones and Keith Crane explain in a new Council Special Report from the Center for Preventive Action how the United States should manage the complex political, security, and…

June 14, 2006

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Profile: Abu Bakar Bashir (a.k.a. Ba’asyir)

A profile of Abu Bakar Bashir, the Indonesian cleric whose fiery invectives have motivated terrorist attacks like the 2002 Bali bombings, and who some experts say is affiliated with al-Qaeda.

November 6, 2014

United States
Ten Cold War Films Worth Watching

The Cold War has provided the grist for rich histories, enlightening memoirs, and terrific novels. It has also provided source material for some great movies. Here in alphabetical order are my ten fa…
