626 Results for:

November 3, 2009

An Israeli Strike on Iran

Overview Israel would regard any expansion of nuclear weapons capability within its region as an intolerable threat to its survival. As such, Iran's developing nuclear program has triggered seriou…

An Israeli Strike on Iran header

January 6, 2010

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Connecting the Dots on Intelligence Reform

President Obama says "systemic failures" contributed to the Christmas Day airliner plot, but CFR’s Steven Simon says given the huge volume of intelligence analyzed daily, reforms won’t come easily.

February 7, 2007

After the Surge

Overview Iraq has come to dominate U.S. foreign policy—and the controversy over Iraq has come to dominate the debate over U.S. foreign policy. This report by Steven N. Simon, the Hasib J. Sabba…

February 20, 2024

Year Three of the Ukraine War, With Miriam Elder and Carla Anne Robbins

Miriam Elder, the Edward R. Murrow press fellow at CFR, and Carla Anne Robbins, a senior fellow at CFR and co-host of CFR’s The World Next Week podcast, sit down with James M. Lindsay to discuss wher…

Podcast A Ukrainian prisoner of war reacts after a swap at an unknown location in Ukraine on January 31, 2024.

February 7, 2007

Report Calls for Military Disengagement From Iraq

“The United States should...make clear now to the Iraqi government that, as the results of the anticipated surge become apparent, the two sides will begin to negotiate a U.S. military disengagement f…