2,123 Results for:

April 26, 2021

News Release
Roger W. Ferguson Jr. to Join CFR as Distinguished Fellow

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) will welcome Roger W. Ferguson Jr., who is retiring as president and CEO of TIAA, to its David Rockefeller Studies Program as the Steven A. Tananbaum Distinguis…

April 21, 2011

Pakistan Update

CAROL A. GIACOMO: Welcome to this evening's program with the Council on Foreign Relations. I just want to remind you that our next meeting with be Tuesday morning, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Ge…


November 12, 2008

Capital Flows
Fixing Finance

G20 leaders are meeting in Washington to discuss a possible overhaul of global finance. One topic on the agenda is whether to increase the resources of the IMF, which stood at $201 billion at the e…

Fixing Finance

October 9, 2019

The President's Inbox: Stephen Sestanovich on Ukraine

The latest episode of The President’s Inbox is live. I sat down with Steve Sestanovich, CFR’s senior fellow for Eurasian and Russian studies and the former U.S. ambassador-at-large for the former Sov…

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaks with President Trump at the United Nations General Assembly on September 25.

September 16, 2020

Politics and Government
Trust and Distrust in the American Political System

Please join our panelists for a discussion on growing fears among Americans of a "deep state." One recent opinion poll found that 74% of Americans believe that unelected government and military offic…

Play A person walks past the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building in Washington, U.S.