3,652 Results for:

October 26, 2017

Kurdish Independence

CFR's Steven A. Cook joins Robert McMahon to examine the Kurdish movement for independence.

Podcast TPI_10_26_2017

October 6, 2011

Egypt’s Democratic Quest: From Nasser to Tahrir Square

Egypt’s 2011 revolution marks the latest chapter in Egyptians’ longtime struggle for greater democratic freedoms. In this video, Steven A. Cook, CFR’s Hasib J. Sabbagh senior fellow for Middle Easter…

January 7, 2020

Election 2020
The Killing of Qasem Soleimani

In this episode of our special Election 2020 series of The President’s Inbox, Steven A. Cook, Philip H. Gordon, and Ray Takeyh join host James M. Lindsay to discuss the killing of Qasem Soleimani and…

Podcast Soleimani

December 8, 2011

Elections and Voting
Video Brief: Arab Revolutions

The winner of the 2012 U.S. presidential election will likely confront a greatly changed Middle East political landscape due to ongoing civillian upheaval, says Steven A. Cook, CFR’s senior fellow fo…

January 19, 2023

High-Level U.S. Visit to Israel, China’s COVID-Clouded New Year, Greece-Turkey Tensions, and More

U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan discusses Iran with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; China grapples with a sharp influx of COVID-19 cases amid Lunar New Year travels; and NATO …

Podcast People travel during annual Spring Festival travel rush, ahead of the Chinese Lunar New Year, in Shanghai