3,647 Results for:

July 1, 2016

United States
Fourth of July 2016 Reading

What Team Cook is reading over the Fourth of July weekend.


September 9, 2009

Economic Crises
A ’Pretty Slow Recovery’

Despite early signs of a global economic recovery, CFR Steven Dunaway says it’s too early to determine how lasting the rebound might be. "The world economy is not out of the woods yet," he says.

February 10, 2014

Egypt and The Exigencies of Self Preservation

Last week, a knowledgeable and respected DC-based Egypt expert commented that Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al Sisi is “just a cog in the machine.”  It is not at all clear what exactly this means.  If t…

egypt 02102014_CROPPED

March 14, 2007

Politics and Government
Ruling But Not Governing

A critical examination of how the legacies of military control in Egypt, Algeria, and Turkey affect political development in these countries, highlighting the often-overlooked difficulties of promoting democratic change in military-dominated political systems.

March 20, 2017

Fake News Has a Long History in the Middle East—and the Lessons for Americans Are Unmistakably Dire

Information has long been falsified and weaponized in Turkey and the Arab world—and we're headed that way fast.
