2,219 Results for:

November 6, 2013

Electing the New UN Human Rights Council

Next week, on November 12, new members of the UN Human Rights Council will be elected. Among the candidates are nations that should never be allowed on the Council, and indeed whose presence will mak…

May 1, 2017

U.S. Foreign Policy
The Future of News and the Information Revolution

Experts examine how the media industry is adapting to the changing information landscape, from traditional news sources to social and digital platforms, and the effects of these changes on how the pu…

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May 12, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Amb. Indyk’s Speech

Last week Martin Indyk, former ambassador to Israel and now the top negotiator and adviser to Secretary of State Kerry in the Israeli-Palestinian talks, spoke to the Washington Institute for Near Eas…

October 2, 2018

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Twenty-Five Years After the Oslo Accords

Panelists discuss the HBO documentary film The Oslo Diaries as well as the years of Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, the legacy of the agreements, and the future of the peace process.

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