770 Results for:

April 5, 2014

Conference on Diversity in International Affairs 2014

CFR hosted the second annual Conference on Diversity in International Affairs in collaboration with the Global Access Pipeline (GAP) and the International Career Advancement Program (ICAP) on Apr…

December 9, 2004

Retired Wall Street Titans (and the renminbi-dollar)

Henry Kaufman’s name sits on the building where I work. If nothing else, that means you tend to take notice of his opinion.He nicely summarizes why many believe the dollar won’t fall much further, o…

September 14, 2012

Techonomy and the Future of Cities: What I Learned

I spent a fascinating day this week at the Techonomy conference in Detroit, and came away with a new appreciation for why I should get out of Washington more than I do. The conference, the brainchild…

David Kirkpatrick introduces Techonomy Detroit (Courtesy Techonomy).

December 9, 2013

United States
Obama: Silent on Ukraine

Last week, National Security Adviser Susan Rice gave a long speech about administration human rights policy. Here is one passage: We often can cooperate with Russia on nonproliferation, arms contro…