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May 1, 2018

Xi’s China Is More Authoritarian at Home and More Assertive Abroad, Argues Elizabeth Economy in New Book

May 1, 2018—“One of the great paradoxes of China today,” writes eminent China scholar Elizabeth C. Economy, “is Xi Jinping’s effort to position himself as a champion of globalization, while at th…

February 18, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
How to Lose Friends and Not Influence People

The Obama Administration cast its first veto in the United Nations on Friday, February 18, killing a Security Council resolution that would have condemned Israeli settlement activity.  Its poor handl…

February 13, 2018

Containing Russia: How to Respond to Moscow's Intervention in U.S. Democracy and Growing Geopolitical Challenge

In the Council Special Report Containing Russia: How to Respond to Moscow’s Intervention in U.S. Democracy and Growing Geopolitical Challenge, Robert D. Blackwill and Philip H. Gordon argue that the …

Play CSR Russia

February 6, 2015

Cybersecurity in the 2015 National Security Strategy

President Obama releases his second National Security Strategy today. The strategy warns that "danger of disruptive and even destructive cyberattack is growing," and describes a response based on gre…

Susan Rice CFR Cyber Net Politics Adam Segal

August 8, 2016

China’s Limited Retaliation Options Against the THAAD Deployment in South Korea

The Chinese Ambassador to South Korea gave a rather dramatic warning to the leader of South Korea’s opposition Democratic Party on February 25 that a decision to deploy a Terminal High Altitude Area …
