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January 30, 2019

Foreign Affairs January/February Issue Launch: Who Will Run the World? America, China, and Global Order

With the potential shifting global balance of power from the United States to China, the latest issue of Foreign Affairs focuses on how the troubled hegemon and the confident challenger are trying to…

Play Foreign Affairs January/February Issue Launch: Who Will Run the World? America, China, and Global Order

July 21, 2020

Foreign Affairs Live: A Conversation With Robert Gates

Across the political spectrum, there is a belief that post–Cold War U.S. presidents have turned too often to the military to resolve challenges abroad. How could the United States move away from rely…

Play A man stands amidst rubble

June 10, 2015

China's Slowdown and Asian Growth

Experts discuss the potential implications of varying growth rates in East Asian economies.

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November 21, 2016

United States
Navigating the U.S. Presidential Transition

Former White House chiefs of staff discuss the challenges facing the incoming administration as it enters the White House, as well as lessons learned from the three previous U.S. presidential transit…

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January 17, 2019

Women and Women's Rights
Growing Economies Through Gender Parity

The Women and Foreign Policy program's Growing Economies Through Gender Parity report demonstrates that closing the gender gap in the workforce could add a staggering $28 trillion to the global GDP. …

Podcast 31-year-old Haruka Hirokawa and 35-year-old Sayaka Kishi take part in a women-only financial seminar in Tokyo, Japan. October 4, 2018.