8,917 Results for:

February 14, 2012

Morning Brief: Dissecting the White House Budget

The president's 2013 budget, while unlikely to advance legislatively, indicates the Obama administration's priorities and issues they are keen to work on if elected for a second term, writes the Broo…

February 25, 2015

White House Summit Embraces Women’s Rights to Counter Violent Extremism

Last week, the White House sponsored an international summit on strategies to counter violent extremism (CVE), focusing on groups such as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and al-Qaeda. Amon…


June 17, 2024

Inside Europe’s China Dilemma

The EU’s new tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles signal a more cautious approach to trade with Beijing. 

People look at the newly unveiled Onvo L60 SUV, the first vehicle of Chinese electric vehicle (EV) maker Nio's new lower-priced brand.

June 14, 2016

Defense and Security
Austria’s Presidential Election and the Race for the White House

Anna-Sophia Haub is an Interdepartmental Program Assistant at the Council on Foreign Relations. Just .6 percent was needed to defeat the far right candidate for the Austrian presidency. That was the…


February 21, 2012

Morning Brief: White House Announces Trade & Business Initiatives

The Obama administration elaborated on its plans for consolidating several government agencies, including the Department of Commerce and the office of the U.S. Trade Representative, stipulating that …