155 Results for:

April 17, 2023

C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With Christine Lagarde

President Christine Lagarde of the European Central Bank discusses inflation, interest rates, and the challenges facing Europe’s economic recovery. The C. Peter McColough Series on International E…

Play Christine Lagarde talking at event in front of EU flag

May 9, 2022

Digital Assets: Virtual Currencies, Security, and U.S. Foreign Policy

Panelists discuss digital assets, including virtual currencies and central bank digital currencies, and the implications for U.S. foreign policy and the global financial system.

Play Digital currency

March 31, 2021

Supply Chains
Global Supply Chains in the Era of COVID-19

Our panelists examine the vulnerabilities in global supply chains exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, resiliency options such as supplier diversification, reshoring critical industries, and stockpiling…

Play Close up of U.S. President Joe Biden holding a semiconductor chip as he speaks right before signing an executive order that addressed a global semiconductor chip shortage.

June 1, 2015

Elections and Voting
Campaign 2016: Martin O’Malley, Democratic Presidential Candidate

When Bill Clinton wrote to a rising Democratic political star back in 2002 that “I won’t be surprised if you go all the way” to the White House, he had no way of knowing that Martin O’Malley would en…


September 1, 2010

South Korea
U.S.-ROK Strategic Alliance 2015

Major Tara O is an Assistant Professor at the United States Air Force Academy. The views expressed in this essay are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the U.S…

2+2 Meeting

June 23, 2021

Lessons Learned With Peter Osnos

Please join Peter Osnos for a conversation on his distinguished career in journalism and publishing, including working as a foreign correspondent in Vietnam and the Soviet Union, and as a long-time e…

Play Lessons Learned With Peter Osnos