463 Results for:

March 14, 2014

Weekend Reading: Islamic Sustainability, Cairo’s Traffic Goes Mobile, and Recycling in Qatar

Arwa Aburawa interviews Professor Al Jayoussi about Islamic notions of sustainability. Tafline Laylin discusses an award-winning Egyptian traffic app that helps users avoid the legendary Cairo traff…


October 13, 2020

United States
Happy 245th Birthday to the U.S. Navy!

The U.S. Navy turns 245 years-old today. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress commissioned two ships, each with eighty sailors, “for intercepting such transports as may be laden with warlike…


April 1, 2011

United Kingdom
UK and U.S. Approaches in Countering Radicalization: Intelligence, Communities, and the Internet

On Friday, April 1, 2011, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Georgetown University's Center for Peace and Security Studies, and King's College London's International Centre for the Study of Radi…


January 12, 2022

Israel, Iran, and the Archbishop of Canterbury

In recent weeks the Iran nuclear talks restarted, and the Archbishop of Canterbury delivered himself of a statement criticizing Israel's treatment of Christians. Herewith, comments on both matters. …

December 5, 2016

Niall Ferguson’s “Kissinger: 1923-1968: The Idealist” Wins 2016 CFR Arthur Ross Book Award

Historian Niall Ferguson has won the fifteenth annual Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Arthur Ross Book Award for Kissinger: 1923-1968: The Idealist (Penguin Press), the first in a two-volume biogr…