463 Results for:

April 1, 2011

United Kingdom
"Intelligence and Counter-Radicalization"

Panelists compare and contrast the linkages between law enforcement and intelligence in the United States and the United Kingdom and discuss how violent extremism has changed the business of intellig…


April 1, 2011

United Kingdom
Panel Two: Intelligence and Counter-Radicalization

This session was part of the symposium, UK and U.S. Approaches in Countering Radicalization: Intelligence, Communities, and the Internet, which was cosponsored with Georgetown University’s Center for…


July 25, 2014

Diplomacy and International Institutions
TWE Remembers: Serbia Responds to Austria’s Ultimatum

Diplomacy is often a contest to gain the upper hand in the court of world opinion. The country that can depict itself as victim of aggression even when the facts are more complex may rally greater su…


April 1, 2017

Human Rights
Ronald Reagan, Deane Hinton, and "Fake News" in The New York Times

The term "fake news" is no doubt over-used these days, but there is such a thing. Indeed, there is even such a thing as a "fake news" obituary. A prime example of distortion and false reporting can b…

April 16, 2016

Conference on Diversity in International Affairs 2016

CFR hosted the fourth annual Conference on Diversity in International Affairs in collaboration with the Global Access Pipeline (GAP) and the International Career Advancement Program (ICAP) on Apr…