2,604 Results for:

December 21, 2012

Prospects for the Global Economy in 2013

What does 2013 have in store for the global economy? We asked five distinguished experts to identify the most important trends, challenges, and opportunities in the upcoming year.

September 29, 2023

What’s Causing the Panama Canal Logjam

Low water levels have led to a traffic jam at one of the world’s busiest maritime passages. The bottleneck demonstrates how accelerating climate change is threatening global supply chains.

December 7, 2009

United States
Squaring Healthcare with the Economy

As the U.S. Senate debates the healthcare overhaul, experts are divided on whether proposed legislation would stifle U.S. economic and business competitiveness.

March 7, 2024

Why Russia’s Election Matters to Putin

This month’s vote will be the first conducted while Russia is involved in a major war, and Vladimir Putin is counting on a strong show of national unity and highlighting support in occupied Ukraine.

January 12, 2024

Taiwan’s Presidential Election: Expert Analysis From CFR and Foreign Affairs

As Taiwan’s voters head to the polls on January 13 to elect a new president and legislature, the Council on Foreign Relations and Foreign Affairs magazine offer resources and analysis on the context …

March 5, 2024

United States
Ten Facts About the State of the Union Address

President Biden will deliver the annual State of the Union address on Thursday night. Here are ten things you might not know about the tradition of having a president deliver an annual address.

Biden SOTU 2023

February 28, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
American Military Leadership in the Middle East

Former CENTCOM Commanders David Petraeus and Anthony Zinni discuss the military aspect of the Israel-Hamas war and lessons learned from U.S. involvement and operations in the Middle East.

Play Smoke rises over northern Gaza following Israeli air strikes in Dec 2023.