2,604 Results for:

March 24, 2022

Tracking Cyber Operations and Actors in the Russia-Ukraine War

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has been characterized by a relative lack of major cyber operations. This article provides an accounting of those which have taken place.

Ukrainian airborne troops stand in formation during drills in November 2021.

October 26, 2023

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Conflict in the Middle East—The Israel-Hamas War

Panelists discuss how the recent attacks by Hamas and ongoing conflict between the group and Israel continue to affect security in the Middle East and influence regional dynamics, as well as the futu…

Play man standing in rubble of homes destroyed by Israeli stikes

March 23, 2022

New Entries in the CFR Cyber Operations Tracker: Q1 2021

An update of the Council on Foreign Relations' Cyber Operations Tracker for the period between January and March 2021. 

A graphic of the Cyber Operations Tracker.

February 4, 2016

TPP Tobacco Exception Proves the New Rule in Trade

The special exemptions for tobacco products in the TPP trade deal say less about cross-border investment rules generally, and more about the unique nature of tobacco under U.S. and international law,…

June 1, 2022

New Entries in the CFR Cyber Operations Tracker: Q1 2022

An update of the Council on Foreign Relations' Cyber Operations Tracker for the period between January and March 2022. 

Cyber Operations title card.

March 28, 2022

New Entries in the CFR Cyber Operations Tracker: Q2 2021

An update of the Council on Foreign Relations' Cyber Operations Tracker for the period between March and July 2021. 

A graphic of the Cyber Operations Tracker.