1,960 Results for:

June 6, 2005

International Relations
Foreign Affairs Releases June Bestseller List

Foreign Affairs magazine has released its latest rankings of the top-selling books on American foreign policy and international affairs compiled in cooperation with Barnes & Noble. For the second mon…

December 5, 2016

Niall Ferguson’s “Kissinger: 1923-1968: The Idealist” Wins 2016 CFR Arthur Ross Book Award

Historian Niall Ferguson has won the fifteenth annual Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Arthur Ross Book Award for Kissinger: 1923-1968: The Idealist (Penguin Press), the first in a two-volume biogr…

April 11, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Standing Firm --To Blame Israel

Several well-known members of America’s foreign policy establishment have just published an open letter to Secretary of State Kerry, entitled “Stand Firm, John Kerry.” And firm they are, in blaming I…

May 17, 2005

Task Force Urges Measures to Strengthen North American Competitiveness, Expand Trade, Ensure Border Security

May 17, 2005--North America is vulnerable on several fronts: the region faces terrorist and criminal security threats, increased economic competition from abroad, and uneven economic development at h…

February 21, 2020

Election 2020
Campaign Foreign Policy Roundup: The Las Vegas Democratic Debate

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential challengers are saying about foreign policy. This week: foreign policy is AWOL in Las Vegas; Bloomberg and Warren talk about Latin America; and foreign po…

Democratic candidates raise their hand to speak while they stand behind podiums at the Democratic debate on Wednesday, February 19.