1,953 Results for:

March 8, 2018

United States
Trump on Trade

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Foreign Affairs offer resources and analysis on President Donald J. Trump’s plan to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. “Donald Trump's decisio…

June 16, 2022

Human Rights
Human Rights NGOs: "Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?"

International human rights NGOs are important champions of basic human rights for people across the globe. They have great influence in civil society and government.  But they are also complex organi…

Secretary General of Amnesty International Agnes Callamard speaks at a press conference detailing the NGO's 2022 report accusing Israel of "apartheid against Palestinians."

January 18, 2021

Transition 2021
Remembering the Best (and Worst) Presidential Inaugural Addresses

In two days, Joe Biden gets to do what only thirty-nine other Americans have ever done: deliver a presidential inaugural address. It is a tough task to do well under any circumstance. It’s even tough…


July 15, 2022

The "Two-State Solution" as Panacea Never Fades Away

President Biden showed strong support for Israel during his recent visit, but never explained how the "two-state solution" would be possible without damaging Jordanian and Israeli security.

October 14, 2022

United States
Secular Inflation

After enjoying a long period of deflationary conditions, the global economy is being pushed by a wide range of forces toward a new and more difficult equilibrium.

Jerome Powell