3,408 Results for:

March 14, 2024

Russia’s Gloomy ‘Elections’, U.S. Budget Divisions, Elton John-Bernie Taupin Awarded, and More

Russia holds its presidential election with the Kremlin aiming to orchestrate a sweeping endorsement of President Vladimir Putin; the U.S. Congress continues its partisan battles over the 2024 budget…

Podcast People walk past a cardboard cut-out of President Vladimir Putin displayed in a souvenir shop ahead of the upcoming elections for the President of Russia on March 14, 2024 in Moscow, Russia.

September 20, 2011

Noncommunicable Diseases
Global Action on Non-Communicable Diseases

NCDs such as cancer and heart disease are becoming leading causes of death in the developing world and will be the focus of a September UN meeting. But health experts and others are divided about how…

September 19, 2012

Noncommunicable Diseases
UN High-Level Meeting on NCDs: One Year Later

One year after the UN’s high-level meeting on noncommunicable diseases, little progress has been made in generating momentum and new resources. But with the right focus and strategies, there is room …

March 26, 2012

United States
Healthcare Costs and U.S. Competitiveness

Some analysts say healthcare costs hinder U.S. industry competitiveness in the global marketplace, but it’s unclear whether proposed health reforms will offer any cost relief.

October 14, 2010

United States
Foreign Policy and the 2010 Midterms: Energy and Climate Policy

A possible transfer of political power in the congressional midterm elections could doom short-term chances for a comprehensive climate bill. But experts say climate issues could still be addressed t…