3,408 Results for:

July 26, 2011

United States
How Does the Debt Debate Affect Foreign Aid?

The U.S. debt ceiling and deficit debate has led to challenges on foreign aid spending, but while aid could be leaner and more effective, CFR’s Stewart Patrick argues Congress should look to consolid…

July 18, 2011

Islam and Arab Political Change

Arab world pro-democracy movements raise questions about how much Islam will figure into the political calculus in emerging governments in Tunisia and Egypt, as well as new ones that might arise else…

June 7, 2011

HIV’s Tenuous Funding Road

With the UN meeting on AIDS funding this week, CFR’s Laurie Garrett says the slow response to the AIDS epidemic was the single biggest failure in public health and argues the need to double funding f…

March 30, 2011

After Fukushima, Examining Nuclear Power Safety

Nuclear expert John Ahearne says critics should be careful about drawing conclusions when so much remains unknown, but regulators will need to proceed with safety reviews to bolster public confidence.

March 15, 2011

Japan’s Crisis for Nuclear Power

An extraordinary series of events has caused Japan’s nuclear crisis but it appears backup safety systems were flawed, says nuclear expert Charles Ferguson. He expects the disaster to slow some nucle…