3,408 Results for:

May 20, 2009

Iranian Missile Test Politically Motivated

Thomas W. Lippman, an expert on Gulf security, says the latest Iranian missile test won’t have any military impact, because it is just an incremental step forward. But he says the timing of the annou…

April 4, 2012

Economic Crises
A Modest Step for the Eurozone

The recent decision by European finance ministers to expand the eurozone bailout funds is an important political step, but by itself will not be enough to stem the tide of the debt crisis, says EU ex…

February 21, 2024

Screening and Discussion of "Putin vs The West: At War"

Putin vs The West, a three-part series produced by Brook Lapping, tells the inside story of how the West has struggled to deal with Vladimir Putin, told by the presidents and prime ministers who work…

Play U.S. President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin seated in front of a display of books, with the flags of both nations in the background.

August 6, 2021

Five Foreign-Policy Movies Worth Watching About Actual World Events

Every summer Friday, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: films inspired by reality. 

Three movie posters in black frames. From left: Charlie Wilson's War (a man, woman, and another man in sunglasses look out); Breaker Morant (three men in military uniforms stand over scenes of combat); Invictus (a man in a green and yellow rugby uniform looks triumphant in front of a crowd with Morgan Freeman as Nelson Mandela behind him).

July 27, 2009

The Wisdom of a ’Defense Umbrella’ Against Iran

Thomas W. Lippman, a specialist on Persian Gulf security, says U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s warning about a U.S. "defense umbrella" to protect regional states from any Iranian nuclear ar…