127 Results for:

September 16, 2015

Will South Korean Nuclear Leadership Make a Difference in 2016?

Toby Dalton is the co-director of the Nuclear Policy Program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced this week that the Republic o…

Korea Nuclear IAEA

October 31, 2016

When The Trade Data Does Not Add Up

This is not a post about China, or the various discrepancies in the Chinese data. It is about a rather puzzling thing that I only noticed as a result of the Brexit debate. The bulk of the UK’s surp…


August 4, 2022

United States
Happy 232nd Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard!

The U.S. Coast Guard marks 232 years of service.

Two Coast Guardsmen search a low profile vessel in front of a large, white Coast Guard ship.

September 21, 2016

Famine in Northeast Nigeria

Michelle Faul, writing for AP, reports on the horrific famine now underway in Northeast Nigeria. She quotes Doctors without Borders as characterizing the crisis as “catastrophic.” She also quotes an …


November 15, 2022

South Korea
Strengthening the “Comprehensive Strategic Alliance” Between the United States and South Korea

Sang Hyun Lee, president of the Sejong Institute; Jung-Yeop Woo, senior research fellow at the Sejong Institute; Sue Mi Terry, director of the Wilson Center's Hyundai Motor-Korea Foundation Center fo…

Play Secretary Austin Welcomes Korean Defense Minster Lee Jong-Sup To The Pentagon