1,750 Results for:

April 17, 2009

Zimbabwe in Crisis

Speakers:Walter H. Kansteiner, IIIResident Senior Fellow, The Forum for International Policy; Former Assistant Secretary for African Affairs, U.S. Department of State Tom McDonaldEquity Partner, Bak…


August 16, 2022

Putin’s Strategy in Ukraine, With Stephen Sestanovich

Stephen Sestanovich, George F. Kennan senior fellow for Russian and Eurasian studies at CFR and Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis professor of international diplomacy at Columbia University’s School of…

Podcast A view shows a torn flag of Ukraine hung on a wire in front an apartment building destroyed in the southern port city of Mariupol, Ukraine, April 14. REUTERS/Alexander Ermochenko

March 2, 2023

United States
The State of U.S. Strategic Stockpiles

President Joe Biden has tapped the nation’s emergency reserves several times over the past year. The Strategic National Stockpile is just one of the reserves that the United States maintains for econ…

Members of the Oklahoma National Guard Oklahoma National Guard walk toward the front of the Strategic National Stockpile Warehouse after unloading medical supplies.

March 30, 2022

Understanding Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

Thomas Graham, distinguished fellow at CFR, and Oxana Shevel, associate professor of political science at Tufts University, discuss what is happening in Ukraine, the religious component to this confl…

Play Understanding Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

November 20, 2006

Lantos Says No ‘Silver Bullet’ on Iraq But Baker Panel Can Help Bipartisanship

The presumptive chair of the House International Relations Committee expects no "silver bullets" to emerge from the Baker commission’s report on Iraq. But Rep. Tom Lantos hopes the forthcoming report…