2,479 Results for:

October 30, 2007

United States
Whitman: On U.S. Environmental and Energy Policy for the Future

Former EPA chief Christine Todd Whitman says the next president needs to focus on providing environmental leadership, and must include a new focus on climate change and water infrastructure.

August 20, 2007

Garrett: Experts Face Tricky Task in Preventing HIV/AIDS in Africa

CFR fellow Laurie Garrett discusses Botswana’s infant formula policy debacle and its implications for other innovative efforts for fighting HIV/AIDS.

August 9, 2012

Emerging Markets
The Economy of the Olympics

With the London summer games at an end, economist Jose Ursua discusses whether or not Olympics have a financial impact for host cities, and the broader implications for the global economy.

October 31, 2011

Aging, Youth Bulges, and Population
Seven Billion and Global Stresses

A growing population will add pressures to the world and the environment, and there must be greater focus on women’s education and reproductive health, says demographic expert John Bongaarts.

November 18, 2010

Climate Change
Reinforcing Climate Promises in Cancun

Key technical, political, and legal issues remain unresolved ahead of the UN climate talks in Cancun. CFR’s Michael Levi says the best outcome would be to firm up the Copenhagen Accord commitments on…