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February 4, 2013

Turkey: Davutoglu’s Pebbles

A few years ago, a Turkish contact in a position to know regaled me with stories about the inner workings of the ruling Justice and Development Party—who was up and who was down, the personality diff…


November 19, 2010

Turkey and NATO

Not a lot of time to post on the NATO summit in Lisbon today, but below is an excerpt from "Turkey Being Turkey" where I discuss Turkey’s concerns with the NATO missile defense system. The next bi…

lisbonne NATO Turkey

August 20, 2018

Framing Turkey’s Financial Vulnerabilites: Some Rhymes with the Asian Crisis, but Not a Repeat

Turkey has some similarities with the Asian crisis countries back in the 1990s, but also important differences. When emerging-market crisis typologies are updated to reflect the events of 2018, Turke…

Framing Turkey’s Financial Vulnerabilites: Some Rhymes with the Asian Crisis, but Not a Repeat

October 6, 2008

Turkey’s Rising Star

As Turkey builds up its circle of friends, including those that have fallen out of favor with the West, the International Crisis Group’s Hugh Pope says Ankara’s influence as a regional and global act…

June 30, 2016

Turkey’s in a Terrible Spot

Geography makes the country a valuable partner for the West. It also makes it vulnerable.
