4,248 Results for:

October 27, 2010

Turkey Being Turkey

I am back from Turkey. Great trip except for the exceedingly large man sitting next to me on the flight from Istanbul to London. That was uncomfortable. Last June, I wrote about the divergence…

Turkey Being Turkey

October 23, 2020

The Changing Nature of Turkey’s Balance Sheet Risks

Pay attention to banking system's foreign currency exposure to the government ...

The Changing Nature of Turkey’s Balance Sheet Risks

October 2, 2017

Turkey’s Incursion Into Syria: Making Things Better or Worse?

Syria’s conflict just got more tangled, but there’s some hope in the deal struck by Russia, Turkey and Iran.


May 7, 2019

Turkey’s Stretched Public Banks…

Watch the banking system's acces to lira funding as Turks shift toward foreign currency deposits...

Turkey’s Stretched Public Banks…

September 8, 2017

Priorities and Challenges in the U.S.-Turkey Relationship

Steven A. Cook's testimony on U.S.-Turkey relations before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations on September 6, 2017.