168 Results for:

November 15, 2007

Pakistan: State of Emergency

Jayshree Bajoria, "Pakistan's Institutions and Civil Society," Backgrounder, CFR.org, November 7, 2007; Vali Nasr, "Musharraf Fears Democracy, Not Extremism," Christian Science Monitor, November 6…


April 3, 2020

How Jihadi Groups in Africa Will Exploit COVID-19

As the COVID-19 outbreak begins to spread in earnest in Africa, we can expect so-called jihadi groups on the continent to try to take advantage of the crisis to unleash violence and recruit members. We are already seeing indications that this has started happening. Governments, development workers, and aid agencies need to be made aware of this threat and take steps to deny these brutal militias more room to operate.

A soldier carrying a rifle in military fatigues observes temperature checks at the border between Abuja and Nasarawa states in Nigeria, as the authorities try to limit the spread of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), on March 30, 2020.

October 20, 2010

Politics and Government
October in Egypt

Cairo - I had some down time today, and this being October, I braved the traffic and went out to Nasr City to visit the 1973 War Panorama, which commemorates al Ubuur or “the Crossing” of the Suez …

Egypt Eissa Press Freedom

September 12, 2013

Return to the Bad Old Days

This article was originally published here on ForeignPolicy.com on Thursday, September 12, 2013.  In October 1990, extremists affiliated with the terrorist organization Egyptian Islamic Jihad raked …


June 5, 2006
