1,935 Results for:

March 6, 2013

New Era for U.S.-Venezuela Relations?

Much of the discussion surrounding Chavez’s passing has focused on what his absence will mean for Venezuela’s internal politics, but below is my take for the BBC on how it may affect U.S.-Venezuela r…

Maduro - LAM

October 28, 2016

How Venezuela Got Into This Mess

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*] By the end of 2017, the Venezuelan economy will likely be less than three-quarters of its 2013 size. Inflation is set to increase from 700 p…


March 2, 2017

Options for U.S. Policy in Venezuela

Shannon K. O’Neil testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, addressing the ongoing crisis in Venezuela and proposing U.S. policy options aimed at combatting the political, econ…

August 24, 2017

New Pieces on NAFTA, Mexico, and Venezuela

The first round of NAFTA negotiations now concluded, the three nations will take a two week breather before reconvening in Mexico City on September 1. While the policy differences should be surmounta…

NAFTA negotiations

September 11, 2012

Venezuela’s Potentially Violent Elections

Elections are always times of uneasiness, but the upcoming October 7th presidential elections in Venezuela have more than the normal share of uncertainty. There are concerns over President Chavez’s h…

Chavez and Capriles - LAM