886 Results for:

March 31, 2016

Macri’s Surprising Honeymoon

By all accounts, Mauricio Macri has had a remarkable honeymoon since he was inaugurated December 10, quickly moving to revise Argentina’s economic policies, restructure its relations with the world, …

Macris Surprising Honeymoon - LAM

January 22, 2016

South America’s Shifting Diplomatic Landscape

The past year has altered Latin America’s diplomatic panorama. Among the most significant changes were a U.S. policy turnaround that included U.S. rapprochement with Cuba, a reset in U.S.-Brazil rela…

Argentine Foreign Minister Susana Malcorra and Brazil's Foreign Minister Mauro Viera speak before the Summit of Heads of State of MERCOSUR and Associated States and 49th Meeting of the Common Market Council in Luque

June 27, 2017

South America
South America's Turn to Deadlock

Scholars of Latin America spent much of the first decade of this century discussing the causes and consequences of the region's turn to the left, under Venezuela's Chávez, Argentina's Kirchners, Braz…

Rodrigo Garrido

October 28, 2016

Bringing International Pressure To Bear on Nicolás Maduro

[This post was co-authored with John Polga-Hecimovich*. It is the third of a series that begins with this post.] The collapse in Venezuela has many potential costs: democratic regression in Latin Am…


April 19, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Donald Trump Declines to Fight Aid to Ukraine

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: Donald Trump has chosen to stand aside as the House of Representatives moves to vote on aid to Ukra…

Ukraine war image

August 10, 2016

A Game of Inches: The Uncertain Fight Against Corruption in Latin America

Harvard’s inimitable Matthew Stephenson this week published a thought-provoking blog post comparing anticorruption efforts in Asia and Latin America. Crudely summarizing Stephenson’s argument, a few …

A Game of Inches The Uncertain Fight Against Corruption in Latin America - LAM