886 Results for:

July 21, 2016

Corruption, Politics, and Corporate Transparency in Latin America

It is Latin America’s anticorruption season. Deep beneath the waves of revulsion about scandal, graft, and the general filthiness of local politics has been a profound concern with democracy. In part…

Corruption, Politics, and Corporate Transparency in Latin America - LAM

July 7, 2016

Venezuela’s Woes Reach Mercosur

Mercosur is under considerable internal strain. As at other times in the trade bloc’s history, shifting political winds and changing trade priorities have placed the member countries at loggerheads. …

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro stands in front of an image depicting the country's late President Hugo Chavez during a meeting with members of Venezuela's United Socialist Party (PSUV) in Caracas

June 2, 2016

The Anticorruption Boom and U.S. Foreign Policy

April and May brought some of the most important movement on the anticorruption front of any two-month period in the past decade. Recapitulating briefly: - In April, the International Consortium of …

Prime Minister David Cameron Hosts Anti-Corruption Summit

March 1, 2016

The Long Arm of U.S. Law and Latin America’s Corruption Malaise

Latin America’s corruption scandals of the past two years are moving slowly toward resolution. As they move forward, it is interesting to note that in a region that has been particularly protective o…

A demonstrator holds inflatable dolls depicting Brazil's former president Lula da Silva and Brazil's President Rousseff during a protest calling for the impeachment of Rousseff near the National Congress in Brasilia

February 9, 2016

The Political Salience of Latin Americans’ Perceptions of Corruption

Once a year, policymakers and the press are forcibly reminded of the terrible costs of corruption. This year, it fell on January 27, when Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CP…

A demonstrator holds a scarf during a march to demand for the resignation of Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez in Tegucigalpa August 14, 2015. Thousands of protesters have been continuing demonstrations in Tegucigalpa, calling for the resignation of Hernandez over a $200 million corruption scandal at the Honduran Institute of Social Security (Jorge Cabrera/Reuters).