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March 23, 2018

Emperor Xi Meets Donald Trump Thought

Together, China’s rise and Trump’s reactions threaten to bury the liberal international order and limit Sino-American cooperation, and tensions could well spill over into other regions and global cha…

U.S. President Donald J. Trump and China's President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China on November 9, 2017.

March 13, 2018

U.S. State Department
Tillerson, Pompeo, and the State of State

Mike Pompeo inherits a marginalized State Department, undermined by several grievous mistakes from Rex Tillerson. 

U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson boards his plane to depart at the end of a five-country swing through Africa from Abuja, Nigeria, March 12, 2018.

September 22, 2009

Diplomacy and International Institutions
What Americans Want from the United Nations

Surveys during the past decade show consistent support among Americans for the UN’s role in the world order but also worry about its dysfunctions. CFR’s Stewart Patrick says President Barack Obama sh…

March 23, 2009

Human Rights
Stopping Bashir: Obama’s "Never Again" Moment of Truth

CFR’s Stewart Patrick and Kaysie Brown argue that the United States must take a hard line with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir if it hopes to end the crisis in Darfur.  

January 29, 2018

Donald Trump
Sovereignty in the Spotlight: What Trump Gets Right and Wrong

On the eve of Trump's first State of the Union address, it is worth reviewing what is behind his America First doctrine and what does its focus on national sovereignty signal for the future of U.S. g…

Trump Rally