665 Results for:

November 16, 2009

United States
Cold War Reflections and Today’s Realities

Watch experts recall how the the United States envisioned its role in a post-Soviet world two decades ago when the Berlin Wall fell and whether expectations of 1989 square with the challenges of 2009.


March 30, 2009

Economic Crises
The New Financial Deal

Watch experts evaluate the role of institutional and regulatory reform during the Great Depression and current options for the Obama administration. This session was part of the CFR-New York Univers…


February 20, 2009

Foreign Policy Inbox: U.S.-Mexico Relations

Watch experts discuss U.S.-Mexico relations under the Obama administration, including ways to mitigate drug violence and improve immigration policy.


June 9, 2008

Congresses and Parliaments
A Conversation with Jim Webb

Watch Senator Jim Webb (D-VA) discuss major issues in U.S. domestic and foreign policy.


February 22, 2006

Financial Markets
McKinsey Executive Rountable Series in International Economics: The SEC in a Globalizing Securities Market - A Conversation with the Past Four Chairmen

The McKinsey Executive Roundtable Series in International Economics is sponsored by the Maurice R. Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies and the Corporate Program.
