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February 20, 2017

Elections and Voting
TWE Celebrates Presidents’ Day

Today is Presidents’ Day. It is a TWE tradition to recognize the forty-four men—and they have all been men—who have been president on Presidents’ Day with the following essay. If you are lucky enough…

The Presidential Seal in the White House in Washington

August 16, 2017

Silicon Valley, Silicon Allee, and…Silicon Lagoon?

Sabriyya Pate is the Franklin Williams Intern with the Greenberg Center for Geoeconomic Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. The United States has Silicon Valley, Germany has Silicon Allee…

Nigerian Stock Exchange

May 21, 2012

Monetary Policy
Is the Fed’s Zero-Rate Pledge Hostage to an Inflated Employment Target?

The Fed has a dual mandate to promote stable prices and maximum employment.  With current inflation near the Fed’s long-run target of 2% and unemployment well above estimates of its “natural rate,…

Is the Fed’s Zero-Rate Pledge Hostage to an Inflated Employment Target?

October 20, 2008

Elections and Voting
HBO History Makers Series featuring Kenneth M. Duberstein

The Home Box Office History Makers Series focuses particular attention on the contributions made by a prominent individual at a critical juncture in international relations. Recent speakers in the se…
