2,938 Results for:

October 13, 2017

United States
Happy 242nd Birthday to the U.S. Navy!

The U.S. Navy turns 242 years-old today. On October 13, 1775, the Continental Congress commissioned two ships, each with eighty sailors, “for intercepting such transports as may be laden with warlike…

navy birthday

January 18, 2011

United States
American Power and Profligacy

Experts examine the effects of the current Congressional stalemate, minimal economic growth, and the increasing debt burden on U.S. foreign policy in the Obama administration. On the occasion of its…


January 18, 2011

United States
CFR 90th Anniversary Series on Renewing America: American Power and Profligacy

On the occasion of CFR's 90th anniversary, we will examine through a series of meetings and projects how policies at home will directly influence the economic and military strength of the United Stat…


October 24, 2006

Europe and Eurasia
Hungary-Suez Crisis: Fifty Years on: Session 2: The Hungarian Revolt

Watch Columbia University Professor Robert Legvold lead a discussion with Charles Gati, William Taubman and Richard Immerman on the Hungarian Revolt.


September 9, 2008

Financial Markets
Experts Debate Fannie/Freddie Nationalization

Four CFR experts discuss the U.S. Treasury’s takeover of mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, what the move means for financial markets, and what risks remain.