2,345 Results for:

April 8, 2014

Popular Media and Social Change

Isobel Coleman hosts William Ryerson, founder and president of the Population Media Center, and Roshaneh Zafar, founder and managing director of the Kashf Foundation, for a discussion about harnessin…


May 2, 2014

Weekend Listening/Viewing/Reading: Satire in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia’s "Garden," and Lebanese Relief Workers

Karl Sharro discusses Lebanese politics and the role of satire in political analysis of the Middle East on Karl Morand’s Middle East Week Podcast.   Pascal Menoret’s photographic journey of the cit…


July 18, 2019

United States
Who Counts in the 2020 U.S. Census?

If the Trump administration succeeds in securing citizenship data, the 2020 census could transform the way in which political power is distributed in the United States.

March 5, 2014

Economic Development and the Tyranny of Experts

Isobel Coleman hosts William Easterly, author of The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor and professor of economics at New York University, for a discussio…


February 3, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
Schabas Resigns....A Bit Late

How does this seem, for basic fairness: A judge presides over a trial. The defendant complains about his bias, but the judge does not recuse himself. He runs the trial, and at its end he writes his …

July 24, 2020

Wars and Conflict
Five Movies Worth Watching About Revolts, Rebellions, and Revolutions

Each Friday this summer, we suggest foreign-policy-themed movies worth watching. This week: movies about uprisings.

Movie posters clockwise from top left: Doctor Zhivago/Roger Ebert; Mandela/People’s World; Lawrence of Arabia/Amazon; Braveheart/Google Play; The Crying Game/CineMaterial; Michael Collins/Amazon.