3,734 Results for:

September 10, 2003

United States
How Did This Happen? Terrorism and the New War

November 15, 2001 - In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on September 11, one question has been on everyone ’s mind: “How did this happen?” This book seeks to answer this question in all its cri…

August 30, 2023

Taiwan Announced a Record Defense Budget: But Is It Enough to Deter China?

While Taiwan has significantly increased its defense spending over the past seven years, it needs to invest more to deter China and prevent the military balance from shifting decisively in Beijing’s …

Taiwan's military holds a drill at a military base in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

October 16, 2023

Screening and Discussion of "Golda"

Golda is set during the tense 19 days of the October 1973 Yom Kippur War. Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir, faced with the potential of Israel’s complete destruction, must navigate overwhelming odds…

Play Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir speaking at a press conference in 1973.

August 23, 2023

Beijing's Global Media Offensive: China’s Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World

In Beijing's Global Media Offensive: China’s Uneven Campaign to Influence Asia and the World, CFR's Joshua Kurlantzick analyzes China's attempts to become a media, information, and influence superpow…

Teaching Notes Image for Beijing's Global Media Offensive

September 28, 2022

Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Exception

The U.S.-Saudi relationship is fraught with complications. Saudi Arabia has the largest oil reserves in the world, giving it influence over what Americans pay at the gas pump. At the same time, the k…

Podcast MBS and Biden

August 25, 2021

Technology and Innovation
To Protect U.S. Economic and National Security, Biden Should Address Concentration in the Defense Sector

Reforming the defense sector, and exploring alternative pathways for federal investment, should be priorities for the Biden administration.

Workers can be seen on the moving line and forward fuselage assembly areas for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter at Lockheed Martin Corp's factory located in Fort Worth, Texas in this October 13, 2011 handout photo provided by Lockheed Martin.