2,997 Results for:

March 8, 2022

Women and Women's Rights
Shaheen Mistri: India’s Education System Is in Crisis

With one of the world’s largest education systems, India has struggled to reach all children and ensure quality teaching and learning.

An image of Shaheen Misitri

February 1, 2022

Women and Women's Rights
Bahar Dutt: U.S.-India Climate Change Cooperation Needs a Revamp

India has made ambitious pledges to reduce its emissions. The United States can help it transition to green energy.

Bahar Dutt, Environmental Journalist and Author

September 21, 2005

Interview with William L. Nash on the U.S. military’s strategy in Iraq

Top U.S. military commanders in Iraq have called recent efforts to sweep insurgent strongholds in Tal Afar and elsewhere “great successes.” But some insurgency experts dispute that claim, arguing tha…

January 24, 2022

Women and Economic Growth
Roopa Kudva: Diverse Tech Start-Ups and Investors Are India’s Future

India’s entrepreneurs, investors, and philanthropists are increasingly representative of the country’s diversity. They are playing a critical role in addressing India’s problems.

Roopa Kudva, Managing Director of Omidyar Network India

July 14, 2022

India's Special Relationship With Abe Shinzo

Abe personally strengthened India’s bilateral relationship with Japan by enticing India, a notoriously reluctant and cautious actor in global politics, to join his vision of the Indo-Pacific.

Narendra Modi, India's prime minister, shakes hands with Shinzo Abe, Japan's prime minister, during a bilateral meeting ahead of the G20 summit in Osaka