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August 27, 2019

South Africa
One More Step in Dismantling Apartheid's Legacy

On August 21, South Africa’s Equality Court ruled that gratuitous displays of the Apartheid-era flag counted as hate speech and discrimination. Confronting history head on, Judge Phineas Mojapelo wrote in his ruling that the flag represents “a vivid symbol of white supremacy and black disenfranchisement and suppression,” and flying it, “besides being racist and discriminatory, demonstrates a clear intention to be hurtful.” 

South Africa's apartheid-era flag flutters in front of three black police officers.

May 28, 2009

Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy: Report of a CFR-Sponsored Independent Task Force

President Obama has called for the eventual global abolition of nuclear weapons, but they will remain a fundamental element of U.S. national security in the near term. The CFR Task Force report makes…


March 21, 2012

Sub-Saharan Africa
The Anglican Church and Homosexuality in Africa

Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams’ departure at the end of the year as leader of the Church of England and Anglican churches around the world brings to mind the growing importance of Africans i…


October 29, 2019

Beyond the Nigerian Correctional Services Act

Nigeria’s criminal justice system is in urgent need of reform. Prisons are overcrowded, holding 73,314 people despite having capacity for only 50,153. Of those held, an estimated 70 percent are awaiting trial and have not yet been convicted of a crime; reports find that some people have been awaiting trial for as long as thirteen years. The chronic underfunding of the justice system exacerbates overcrowding and pre-trial detention.

A Lady Justice statue stands outside the Court of Appeal in Abuja, Nigeria