2,375 Results for:

January 14, 2021

Transition 2021
Ten Things You Probably Don’t Know About Presidential Inaugurations

By now you no doubt have heard that President Donald Trump will skip President-Elect Joe Biden’s inauguration next Wednesday. Given Trump’s role in inciting last week’s mob attack on the Capitol Buil…


November 29, 2018

The U.S. Leans on Private Firms to Expose Foreign Hackers

When the Democratic National Committee realized they had been hacked in April 2016, they turned to experts from a private company: the cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. Within a day, the company had id…

The U.S. White House

November 25, 2008

McKinsey Executive Roundtable Series in International Economics: Beyond Firefighting: Rethinking Financial Market Regulation

Watch experts including former Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman William Donaldson discuss what implications the 2008 financial crisis is likely to have for securities regulation.


August 17, 2022

Taking Stock of the Kenyan Election

With a divided electoral commission and legal challenges in the works, Kenya’s presidential election is neither the disaster some feared, nor the unambiguous success hoped for by champions of democra…

Kenya's Deputy President and presidential candidate William Ruto reacts after being declared the winner of Kenya's presidential election.

June 1, 2022

Belt and Road Tracker

This tracker shows how the Belt and Road Initiative changed countries’ bilateral economic relationships with China over time.