4,493 Results for:

June 27, 2024

United Kingdom
UK Elections: What to Know

The United Kingdom appears poised for a political shift in response to deep economic concerns, but its foreign policy priorities are likely to remain consistent.

About CFR

The Winston Lord Program in Asia Studies

The Winston Lord Fund for Asian Studies was established in 1985 to assure growth in CFR’s consideration of issues related to Asia.

February 13, 2003

North Korea
Winston Lord Urges U.S. Partners to Help Pressure North Korea, Says South Korea’s Approach Endangers Alliance

Winston Lord, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific affairs in the Clinton administration, says the “very serious crisis” over North Korea’s nuclear ambitions cannot…

May 28, 2021

United States
Remembering Those Whom Memorial Day Honors

The United States has fought twelve major wars and numerous smaller skirmishes in its history. Memorial Day is how we honor the soldiers, sailors, airmen, airwomen, and marines who did not return hom…

Memorial Day

July 26, 2016

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Suing Lord Balfour

The unseriousness of the PLO’s desire for peace with Israel was demonstrated in a comic manner this week. Here’s the news item from the AP:   The Palestinian president says he will sue Great Br…