2,358 Results for:

January 2, 2013

United States
Press Freedom in Egypt: Back to the Bad Old Days

A satirist who has made fun of the country’s leader is investigated by prosecutors because he "undermined the leader’s standing." An independent newspaper is investigated by prosecutors because it pu…

August 12, 2020

Boko Haram
Mass Defection of Boko Haram Fighters in Cameroon

Nigerian Major General Ibrahim Manu Yusuf, commander of the Multinational Joint Task Force (MJTF) fighting the Boko Haram Islamist insurgency in the Lake Chad Basin, announced that 109 Boko Haram fighters and their prisoners had defected in Cameroon.

Black graffiti is shown on a gray wall in Borno, Nigeria. The graffiti says "Hate Evil," as well as "Boko Haram is Evil"

July 12, 2013

Weekend Reading: Egypt’s Narratives, Polarization, and Gas

Sarah Carr examines the implications of the divisive narratives that mark Egyptian discourse in the context of the June 30 uprising. Nour Youssef explores the polarization of Egyptian discourse thro…

Weekend Reading 07.12.2013

March 3, 2021

Mass Kidnapping in Nigeria Captures International Attention—Again

On February 27 "bandits" attacked the Government Girls Secondary School in Jangebe, Zamfara State and kidnapped some three hundred girls. Government reaction was predictable: search-and-rescue missions and strong statements.

A line of young girls, most without shoes and wearing blue Islamic headdress, leave a building after being released from captivity by bandits. A Nigerian policeman carrying an assault rifle is standing next to the line of girls.

December 8, 2023

Climate Change
Ten Most Significant World Events in 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, here are the top ten most notable world events of the year.

Statue of Liberty

March 4, 2021

The President's Inbox Episodes by Topic

A comprehensive list of each episode of The President's Inbox organized by topic. 

Resolute desk