172 Results for:

October 4, 2005

Cordesman: No Compromise Possible With Zarqawi, Other Extremist Insurgency Leaders

Anthony H. Cordesman, a leading expert on political and military affairs in Iraq, says there are probably between 20,000 and 30,000 insurgents in Iraq, and about 10 percent to 12 percent are foreigne…

September 23, 2005

Iran Expert Sick Advocates U.S.-Iran Dialogue on Nuclear Issues, Iraq

Gary Sick, a former National Security Council adviser on Iran during the Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan administrations, says he thinks the time is coming when Iran and the United State…

September 13, 2005

Terrorism and Counterterrorism
IRAQ: Status of Iraq’s insurgency

This publication is now archived. What is the status of Iraq’s insurgency? Despite some political progress, Iraq’s insurgency shows few signs of waning, experts say. The most recent attack—a series o…

June 9, 2020

Europe and Eurasia
U.S.-Russia Relations: A Conversation with Sergey Ryabkov

Please join Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov as he discusses Russian foreign policy toward the United States and prospects for future cooperation.

Play Russian Deputy Foreign Minister sits at a table with Russian flag displayed

April 6, 2012

United States
The End of Drone Strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

Nine days ago, I wrote a piece for Foreign Policy online, “We Can’t Drone Our Way to Victory in Afghanistan," in which I detailed a range of host-nation rules that govern the behavior of U.S. militar…

Armed reaper drone