172 Results for:

October 26, 2006

Iraq’s Militia Groups

The number of militias is reportedly multiplying in Iraq, while their loyalties grow more dispersed and their tactics more violent and sectarian-focused.    

February 24, 2006

Lang: Political Process Will Move Forward in Iraq, Despite Sectarian Violence

W. Patrick Lang, former head of Middle East Affairs and Counterterrorism at the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency, tells cfr.org the attack on the Askariya Shrine will not scuttle Iraq’s political pro…

September 22, 2008

Turkey’s Top Foreign Policy Aide Worries about False Optimism in Iraq

Ahmet Davutoglu, the chief foreign policy aide to Turkey’s prime minister, says he fears recent optimism on Iraq in the United States overlooks significant, dangerous problems which remain unresolved.

May 1, 2006

Bowen: Iraq Reconstruction Still a "Mixed Picture"

The latest report by the U.S. inspector general for Iraq’s reconstruction says work continues to be hobbled by security concerns, poor oversight and corruption. Stuart Bowen Jr. tells cfr.org that in…

October 4, 2005

How will Iraq’s October 15 referendum work?

This publication is now archived. IntroductionOn October 15, Iraqis go to the polls to vote in a referendum on the country’s draft constitution. The ballot will feature one question: “Do you approve …