66 Results for:

February 2, 2005

IRAQ: The Kurds’ Agenda

This publication is now archived. What do the Kurds of Iraq want? Kurdish leaders on the Iraqi Governing Council (IGC) are pushing for an autonomous federal state in the new Iraqi nation. Kurds…

February 16, 2005

IRAQ: Who’s in charge?

This publication is now archived. Who’s in charge of Iraq now?The U.S.-led occupation government has begun to gradually hand over power to the interim government named June 1, but it will remain the …

August 17, 2005

Ross: The United States Should be More Involved in Follow-up to Israeli Withdrawal from Gaza

With the Israelis beginning their pullout from Gaza, Dennis Ross, the top U.S. diplomat in Israeli-Palestinian affairs in the George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton administrations and currently Ziegler d…

June 30, 2006

The Challenge in Iraq’s Other Cities: Kirkuk

Experts predict that if civil war erupts in Iraq, the spark may come from Kirkuk. Oil-rich and under de facto Kurdish control, the city has emerged as one of Iraq’s most hotly contested flashpoints.

May 22, 2006

Snags Remain in Forming Iraqi Government

The main hurdles to forming a permanent government in Iraq and improving its worsening security situation remain the ministries of defense and interior. Iraq’s parliament approved the new government …