
Africa in Transition

Michelle Gavin, Ebenezer Obadare, and other experts track political and security developments across sub-Saharan Africa.

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Police officers detain a Ugandan activist participating in a demonstration over proposed plans by Total Energies and the Ugandan government to build the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), in Kampala, Uganda on September 15, 2023.
Police officers detain a Ugandan activist participating in a demonstration over proposed plans by Total Energies and the Ugandan government to build the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP), in Kampala, Uganda on September 15, 2023. Abubaker Lubowa/REUTERS

Uganda’s Inventive Protest Culture

In the face of growing repression, Ugandans continue to find new and creative ways to combat the entrenched system of state capture.   Read More

West Africa
An Opportunity to Reimagine ECOWAS
The split between ECOWAS and the mutinous AES states may be just what the regional body needed. 
Rumors of a Political Capture
Accusations of influence peddling in the heart of its presidency raise the ugly scepter of state capture in Nigeria.
A Sea Change in Kenya
Kenya's protests mark a generational revolution in the country's politics.
  • Nigeria
    Who Needs an Emir?
    The ongoing Emirship tussle in Nigeria begs broader questions about the place of traditional rulership in Africa’s emerging democracies.
  • South Africa
    South Africa’s GNU: New Era or Ever More Difficult Slog?
    South Africa has formed a governing majority; whether they can successfully govern remains to be seen. 
  • Nigeria
    A Second Coming?
    Among a cross section of Nigerian Christians, support for former US President Donald Trump remains stubbornly strong.  
  • South Africa
    South Africa’s Landmark Elections
    As South Africa concludes a set of historic national elections, questions remain on how its democracy will fare in response to a new set of challenges.
  • Sudan
    The World’s Shameful Neglect of Sudan
    The disregard paid to Sudan’s brutal conflict is an indictment on the international community.
  • Nigeria
    The OBJ of Illiberalism
    Nigerian statesman Olusegun Obasanjo’s rejection of liberal democracy is heartfelt—and wrong.  
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
    A Puzzling Attempted Coup in the DRC
    A clumsy coup d’état attempt in the Democratic Republic of Congo reveals the underlying fragility of U.S.-DRC relations.