173 Results for:

October 27, 2015

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
A U.S. Budget Deal that Matters

This is what governing looks like. When outgoing speaker John Boehner promised to “clean the barn up a little bit” before leaving, there was understandable skepticism that a large number of must-pas…


September 3, 2020

Women and Women's Rights
Constitutionalizing Equality: The Equal Rights Amendment as a Catalyst for Change

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) is back in the headlines with new ferocity. Following Virginia’s ratification earlier this year, the House of Representatives moved swiftly to grant the amendment a n…

Equal Rights Amendment, Virginia

August 4, 2011

The Struggle For Egypt

October 6, 2011 “A sweeping history of modern Egypt, this timely book will appeal to foreign policy professionals, academics and the general public.  It is a reliable single source for understandi…

The Struggle For Egypt

May 20, 2008

Financial Markets
Good question

Michael Phillips in Monday’s Wall Street Journal: If there’s one message the Bush administration has been trying to hammer home to Chinese leaders, it is this: A major country with a huge trade surp…