9,823 Results for:

May 11, 2023

Cross-border Rx: Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and U.S. International Tax Policy

  I want to thank Chairman Wyden, Ranking Member Crapo, and the distinguished members of this committee for the opportunity to testify today. Tax avoidance by American pharmaceutical compan…

Brad Setser Testifying

October 20, 2023

Monetary Policy
What Is the U.S. Federal Reserve?

Over the past decade, the Fed kept interest rates low while it deployed trillions of dollars in stimulus and expanded its regulatory oversight. Now, the central bank is back in the spotlight for its …

A stone bald eagle perches on the Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC.

February 16, 2024

United States
Election 2024: Donald Trump Says He Will Not Protect “Delinquent” NATO Members

Each Friday, I look at what the presidential contenders are saying about foreign policy. This Week: The forty-fifth president says he will encourage Russia to attack NATO countries who don’t spend en…

Trump Photo

November 10, 2022

G20 (Group of Twenty)
U.S. Midterm Results, G20 Summit, Prospects for Russia-Ukraine Diplomacy, and More

The United States takes stock of the midterm election results; geopolitical tensions loom over the Group of Twenty summit in Bali, Indonesia; and conversation swirls around possible diplomacy between…

Podcast Hindu people join the Melaspas and Mecaru rituals ahead G20 meeting in Denpasar

February 20, 2024

United States
Why U.S. Imports From Mexico Surpassed Those From China

New U.S. Census Bureau data shows the United States importing more goods from Mexico than from China. Will the shift change the global trading landscape?

February 22, 2024

The IMF Needs to Focus on Setting Good Targets for External Debt Sustainability

The IMF has two frameworks for assessing debt sustainability. The market access country framework is more technically advanced, but it isn't delivering reasonable targets for debt restructuring cases…

10-Year Bonds: Key Cases

February 2, 2023

Three Steps to Strengthen the U.S. Treasury's Foreign Exchange Report

The analytics used in the U.S. Treasury's Foreign Exchange Report should be updated to better capture the significant state flows that no longer appear as part of many country's disclosed foreign exc…

Monitors displaying the stock index prices and Japanese yen exchange rate against the U.S. dollar at the Tokyo Stock Exchange

November 30, 2023

Climate Change
COP28 in Dubai, Russia Crackdown on Journalists, China Illness Spike, and More

The United Arab Emirates, a major oil and gas producer, hosts the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), where hundreds of world leaders meet to discuss limiting global warming and helping states…

Podcast  A person walks past a "#COP28" sign in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates on October 1, 2023.