20,498 Results for:

August 3, 2023

Why Is Italy Withdrawing From China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

Italy’s withdrawal from the Belt and Road Initiative would reflect disappointment with the lack of economic benefits and a more fundamental strategic rethinking of China.

Former Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte greets Chinese President Xi Jinping before a meeting in Rome, Italy in March, 2019.

September 26, 2023

Latin America
The GOP's Posturing Will Push Latin America Into China's Arms

Reviving the Monroe Doctrine would take a time machine.

Photo of Five Republican Presidential Candidates

February 1, 2024

Biden Confronts Iran, China’s Lunar New Year Economic Slowdown, Pakistan’s Flawed Elections, and More

The Joe Biden administration contends with how to respond to a deadly attack on U.S. service members at a base in Jordan while also preventing a wider regional war; a faltering economy clouds festivi…

Podcast  A worker hangs Chinese character Fu, which means good fortune, at Ditan Park (before the Spring Festival on January 31, 2024 in Beijing, China.

June 17, 2024

North Korea
The Significance of the Putin-Kim Summit

Russian President Vladimir Putin's 2024 visit to North Korea, his first since 2000, signifies the ongoing strengthening of bilateral ties. Whether this is a short-term expedience or the start of a tr…

 North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un Meets Russian President Vladimir Putin in Vladivostok (April 25, 2019).

September 25, 2023

China Steadily Pivots Towards Promoting Marriage and Childbirth

After decades of attempting to limit births, Beijing is steadily pivoting towards pro-natalist state policies.

A mother walks across the street with her daughters in Shanghai, China.

August 30, 2023

Taiwan Announced a Record Defense Budget: But Is It Enough to Deter China?

While Taiwan has significantly increased its defense spending over the past seven years, it needs to invest more to deter China and prevent the military balance from shifting decisively in Beijing’s …

Taiwan's military holds a drill at a military base in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

June 30, 2023

South Korea
What’s Causing the Rise in China-South Korea Tensions?

Mounting frictions between the two sides appear to be part of China’s efforts to disrupt the ties between South Korea and the United States but could end up drawing the two allies even closer.

July 2, 2024

The Unbearable Lightness of U.S. Trade Policy

U.S. policymakers are ignoring some of the negative trade-offs of current trade policy to the detriment of American global leadership.

A photovoltaic cell is shown at Elin Energys solar panel manufacturing facility.